Weather and time
Upcoming event
Time in mission
Server will be started:
- 1700Z. Time in game is then 1500G.
Z= Real world time G= Local In game time
Weather forecast
Weather: QNH 29.74 Wind: GND: 14kts from NE. FL260: 32kts from NE Temperature: 19 degrees METAR: OVC 8/15 SCT/BKN 25/26 34/36 (DCS ME preset: Overcast 7, base 8200)
Weather forecast next events:
- D13.1: Day, clear skies, winds from North-East
- D13.2: Day into night, clear skies, winds from North-East
- D14.1: Day, scattered/broken, winds from North-East
- D14.2: Night, overcast, winds from North-East
- D15.1: Day, scattered, winds from North-east
- D15.2: Day into night, clear skies, winds from North-East